Best Practices and Water Saving Design Steps“Inches Per Year Water Savings”
‣ Irrigation Design Using Optimizing Software ➪ 5 Inches ‣ Minimum Distribution Uniformity Of 70 Percent ➪ 5 Inches ‣ Turf Separated From Shrubs & Annual Beds ➪ 6 Inches ‣ Closer Head Spacing In Wind Zone Areas ➪ 2 Inches ‣ Controllers Connected To Rain And/Or Wind Sensors ➪ 5 Inches ‣ Monitoring And adjustment Utilizing Sensors ➪ 6 Inches ‣ Cycle Scheduling To Reduce Runoff ➪ 2 Inches ‣ Water Scheduled Development From Irrigation Audit Software ➪ 5 Inches ‣ As Built Irrigation Plans ➪ 3 Inches ‣ Ongoing Inspection Program For Sprinkler Systems ➪ 4 Inches
Note: The Basic Irrigation System Wastes As Much As 30 Percent Of Water Because Of Inefficient Design And Scheduling Practices.